Eco Cleaning

When I walked into my local supermarket the other day to get some new cleaning products, I was amazed at the range available, everything from caustic soda based products through to those that claim to be environmentally friendly. Then there was the range of prices, from just over $1 through to $15 for one bottle.


Surely there is a simpler and cheaper way to ensure that my house is not only clean, but also free from harsh chemicals. After a little bit of research I think that I have found the answers!!!


  • Good old salty water not only cleans but also deters insects.


  • White vinegar is great for cleaning bathrooms, toilets or anywhere else that you would normally use bleach.


  • Lemon juice is great for removing perspiration stains in clothes, simply dampen the article with lemon juice and salt before putting it in the wash.


  • Boracic acid sprinkled in cupboards will banish cockroaches.


  • Tea tree oil is great as a disinfectant, simply put a few drop in water and then wipe down areas or use it when mopping the floor.


  • Bicarb soda can be used as an oven cleaner, mix with a little water to make a paste and smooth over oven areas that require cleaning. Leave for half an hour before cleaning off with a sponge.


The other household item that I have decided is essential to reducing your environmental impact (and the impact on your wallet) is a steam cleaning unit. Although the initial outlay can be costly (prices range from $120 – $800) they will save you heaps in the long run.


When purchasing a steam cleaner make sure that you get one with the mop attachment for all of your hard floors (tiles, wood, laminate, vinyl) and with the small attachments for cleaning grout, windows etc.